Nurja : Stormy night and isolated inn
2 mois, 3 semaines il y a
190 Vues
"You look really young to take care of an inn by yourself" Nurja said "How are you actually? 21?" "22. This inn is actually my dad's, but he got badly sick and had to go to the nearest village to visit the doc. I can handle it fine. It's a bit isolated here, so we don't get a lot of visit, just enough to live." The bartender answered. "Tell me about it! This place is just empty! It's just you and me!" "Well usually the storm is a good reason for people to stay at home, your visit was actually unexpected..." "Sure... just the 2 of us in here.... storm outside... and a nice warm fire in the corner. This feels really romantic, does't it?" Nurja gave the man a long lusty look, waggling her tail slowly and sensually. She could see he was taken aback. "I.... suppose... the couch next to the fireplace is comfy enough..." "Was that an invitation?" "oh.... uhm... I.... well....." At this moment, Nurja knew she got him. "Would you like us to go sit on it?" She whispered "I can show you some argonian trick if you want. I feel creative tonight!" "Oh god... I... I never did it with... an argonian before...." "Then I'll make sure this first time feels amazing, sweety. Shall we?" Soon enough, the two of them got naked besides the fire. He was sitting on the couch, she was kneeling before him, and start using her mouth in a way he was enjoying a lot. This animation was actually started in.... 2019! Took me long enough to get this done! Voiced by MistressVulpine ( ) and Dragon-V0942 ( ) Models by CreepyChimera ( ) and Shaotek ( )
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